Blessing for our Times

The chills, the tears, my heart torn open, reminded of how deeply life touches me/us if we let it.

The world is out of order.  Mother Earth has spoken.  More than a year now, fires, pandemic, death and loss, exhaustion.  Food insecurity worsening, rage and demonstrations as inequities storm to the surface.  Inhumanity and humanity mix in the cauldron of living, stewing, simmering, waiting, hoping.

Nothing will ever be the same!  Change everywhere held with hope for the future.  There is nothing normal and should ever be normal again.  The normal we knew bred complacency – the blindness and selfishness, the materialism that brought us to this point.

Dear Earth,

We have wounded you.  I hope you will heal with our help.

Dear First Responders,

May you find peace, rest, renewal, knowing your good job is held in gratitude.

Dearest People of this Earth,

May we together, acknowledge the beauty and gifts in our differences.  May we balance financial and educational inequities as we celebrate each other and our uniqueness. We are all so closely embodied as one.


May we all learn to flow with life, putting the needs of each other – the community of earth – before our individual cravings. 


May we all be well of heart and soul and may we hold each other as more important than wealth, status and power.


Life is sacred. 


May we learn to live as divine beings, living a sacred life on this planet we call home