Every artist seems to me to have the job of bearing witness to the world we live in. To some extent I think of all of us as artists, because we have voices and we are each of us unique.
— Jane Rule

Awe, joy and wonder fill me as I create visual art. I feel deeply blessed with an ability to tap into what Elizabeth Gilbert refers to as “creative genius.” Each time I create a piece of art - a labor of loving myself as I connect with the Divine - I experience further affirmation that creativity is within each of us, coming in many shapes and forms of unique and individual expression.

I am a self-taught artist, understanding artistic and creative expression as part of my spiritual practice. I have been told that my art is "bold," "raw," and goes "deeper than most artists are willing to go."

I began with collage as my primary medium. Curiosity and time have expanded the mediums I use which now include mixed media, altered and assemblage and hand building ceramics. I include found, recyclable, and natural objects and mediums such as plastic, cardboard, branches, and leaves, flowers, recycled canvases, rocks, shells and scraps of metal and wood.   

My artistic process is one of co-creation. The Holy guides me as I dance to her muse. Using bold colors, unexpected objects and complex textures I express my internal landscape, communing with what is greater than myself. The outcome is like my experience of meditation; over time I have developed an increased sense of peace, insight and consciousness.

I have chosen to share and to sell my art with the hope that my pieces evoke wonder, stimulate curiosity and increase the viewer’s insight in some way. 

Below is a sampling of my art. Please reach out and connect if you have any questions.