Reiki ... a Japanese healing modality

During this difficult time of a world pandemic I am offering distance Reiki at no change as a services to others. Also a reflection of how profoundly healing I find benefits of Reiki energy work to be.

Here is how it works.

  • We would connect on the phone, giving you the opportunity to share any of your emotional, physical, and/or spiritual concerns - what ever is on your heart or mind. 

  • When your sharing feels complete we would end our time on the phone, and you would prepare to receive Reiki.

  • During the time you receive Reiki I suggest you lay down or sit comfortably with your eyes closed. This part of the session will last 30 to 40 minutes usually.

  • You will know your Reiki session is complete when I call you back to check in about how you are feeling and what you experienced. Also providing a time to answer any questions you might have.

Have additional questions or want to schedule an appointment?

Send my an email at