Deer Power Animal

This week I had planned on a completely different topic for my “reflection.”  However, Spirit seems to have had a very different plan for me.  So, being mindful of the gift that was appearing before me, I began to listen to what Mystery had in mind. 

During the week prior to my writing this missive, deer have been coming to me.  Literally, or almost literally they have appeared in places I have not seen them before. Out walking our dog, the deer have been up close and personal, almost seeming to pose for a photo and certainly to linger much longer than usual, providing me with an opportunity to gaze at them in wonder.

The Deer as a totem or power animal has been part of my life for almost 30 years.  Over this time I have been more and more sensitive to the animals, birds, and water life that I come upon while out in nature.  They always seem to have a message for me.  Either the lesson they bring is something new or a gentle reminder of something that I again would be well served to pay attention to.

I believe that all living things have the ability to communicate with each other. As the human version of beings, all we need to do is to be willing to listen.  Indigenous cultures have always understood this and continue to embrace this communication just as they have embraced connection with all peoples. 

As a Power or Spirit Animal, the deer was my first of many Totem Animals that have come to me in visions, Shamanic Journeys, in photos and especially out in nature.  When I was diagnosed with a life threatening illness, I thought I was using guided imagery to support my healing.  It was during one of these times of meditation or focused mindfulness that the Deer Totem first came to me.  I learned several years later that I had in fact, begun to experience spontaneous shamanic journeys.  But right now, I will leave that for a future post.

At first, as Deer appeared to me, I was certain that it was a representation of the spirit of my maternal grandmother.  Though she had been dead for about 20 years at that point in my life, it seemed natural that she would present herself to me in my time of need – to love and support me just as she had when she was alive.  Here is what she brought to my awareness to help me heal and what the Deer Totem or Power Animal consistently brings to me to reflect on and/or learn from. 

The following reminders have been gleaned from Ina Woolcott ( and Elena Harris, editor of (

The deer as a symbol of gentleness, unconditional love and kindness – and these were the qualities that my maternal Grandmother brought into my life. Having been from an immigrant family, poor and struggling, she grew a heart of compassion and understanding.  She was gentle in thought, word, and touch and heard me in a way that no other adult saw, reached out to, or listened to me.  Grandma made sacrifices for the higher good, and was always giving and grateful as she lived her life. She was soft and gentle while at the same time strong and determined. 

Though she was not fond of domesticated animals, she had an incredible passion for gardening.  Looking back, I am certain she communicated with plants in her home and out in her garden.  This was one of the many ways she expressed her gentle demeanor, always caring and kind to all living things. 

The deer reminds me that I am powerful, yet with a gentle demeanor, while exerting a keen sense of observation and sensitivity.  Deer is the sacred carrier of peace.  And considering these political times, deer is the perfect reminder to bring needed peace into my heart and mind/body/spirit.  With peace I am able to stay focused and not be distracted by external circumstances.

Deer also reminds me that self-love is as important as loving others.  By self-love, I do not mean a self-centered focus on me, me, and me.  Instead it is a love more like what flight attendants speak of.  The love of self that motivates me to take loving care with myself so that I can take care with and love others.  I am reminded to put on my oxygen mask before I help someone else with theirs - to make quiet time to rest and regenerate in the silence that supports and heals me.  Only in this way am I able to be of service to others. 

I am so grateful for Deer Spirit within and all around me!